In April 2023, 390 families residing in remote districts, including Tiểu Cần (Trà Vinh), Tân Phú Đông (Tiền Giang), and Cần Giờ (HCMC), received over 11,700 kg of rice.
Every three months throughout the academic year, our social workers hold parent meetings where we discuss the children’s studies and provide rice for the families. In addition to scholarship support, we consistently provide 10kg of rice each month to support our children’s families, aiming to encourage the young learners to remain motivated in their education.
The April batch marked the conclusion of the rice delivery activities for the 2022 – 2023 school year, along with the two previous batches that took place in October 2022 and January 2023. It is estimated that a total of 1,287 scholarship beneficiaries from HCMC, Trà Vinh, and Tiền Giang received the necessary packages throughout the entire school year, totaling 39,780 kg of rice.
Rice distribution is a frequent activity of saigonchildren’s Child Development Scholarship Programme for families in specific areas. Apart from covering educational fees, providing essential support for necessities helps alleviate the economic burden for them, enabling them to manage their livelihoods while ensuring funds for their children’s education.